1. What are the concrete tests?

*Compressive strength test
*Cube test
*Slump test
*Flow test
*Split tension test
*2 point test
*3 point test
*Flexural beam test
*Water permeability test
*Temperature test
*Unit weight test
*Air content test
*Cylinder compression test
*Elastic modulus test

2. What is least cover provided for different RCC Members?

Footing = 50 mm
Column = 40mm
Beam = 25mm
Slab = 20mm

3. What’s the difference between one-way slab and two-way slab?

One way slab: Ratio of Longer Span / Shorter span > 2

Two way slab: Ratio of Longer span/ shorter span <= 2

4. What is the cement sand & aggregate ratios for various grades of concrete mix?

M10 – 1:3:6
M15 – 1:2:4
M20 – 1:1.5:3
M25 – 1:1:2
M30 – 1:1:1

5. What is the unit weight of Steel?

The unit weight of Steel is 78.5KN/m3

6. What do you mean by the moment of inertia?

A quantity expressing a body’s tendency to resist angular acceleration, which is the sum of the products of the mass of each particle in the body with the square of its distance from the axis of rotation.

7. What is a crank length in the slab?

The crank length in Slab is 0.42 D. Where D is Depth of Slab- Top cover – Bottom Cover.

8. How do you check the quality of cement on the site?

Date of Mfg: Cement strength decreases with its age.
Color: Colour should be grey with light greenish shade and it should be uniform. Color gives an indication of excess lime or clay.
Float test: A good cement won’t float if you throw a cement in water.
When you put your hand in cement bag you should feel cool.

9. What is the Unit Weight of concrete?

The unit weight of concrete depends on the type of aggregates and amount of voids. As per IS : 456-200 Unit weight of PCC is 24KN/m3 and RCC is 25KN/m3

10. What are the types of a slump?

True Slump: The concrete mass after the test when slumps evenly all around without disintegration is called the true slump.

Shear Slump: When one-half of the concrete mass slide down the other is called the shear slump. This type of slump is obtained in a lean concrete mix.

Collapse Slump: When the sample is collapsed due to adding excessive water, it is known as collapse slump.

Zero Slump: For very stiff or dry mixes it does not show any changes of the slump after removing the slump cone.

11. What do you mean by honeycomb in concrete?

Honeycomb, also known as airpocket, is nothing but the air voids in concrete. It is usually formed during concrete casting.

12. What is the initial and final setting time of ideal cement mix?

Initial setting time for ideal cement mix is around 30 minutes for almost all kind of cements. For masonry cement it can be 90 minutes. Final setting time of ideal cement mix should be 10 hours at max. For masonry cement it shouldn’t exceed 24 hours.

13. What is the Compressive Strength of brick?

Second class brick-70kg/cm2
First class brick-105kg/cm2
Fire brick-125kg/cm2

14. What are common methods of curing the concrete?

*Wet covering of Surface
*Application of curing chemicals
*Steam curing

15. What is bleeding in concrete?

Bleeding is one form of segregation, where water comes out to the surface of the concrete, being lowest specific gravity among all the ingredients of concrete.

16. How to find the weight of steel bar used in reinforcement?

Weight of Bar in kg/m = D²/162.2 D- Dia of bar in mm

17. What are the types of cement?

There are various types of cement which are: Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), White Portland Cement (WPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Low Heat Portland Cement, Coloured Portland Cement, Hydrophobic cement, Rapid Hardening Cement, Portland Slag Cement, Sulphate resisting Portland Cement, etc.

18. When we need Pile foundation?

Pile foundation is adopted when the Soil bearing capacity is less than 24KN/M3

19. What is the function of stirrups in the column?

Stirrups are provided to handle the shear force and to hold the rebars (main bars) in position

20. What do you know about “TMT”?

TMT stands for “Thermo Mechanically Treated”. Generally we use TMT bars and sheet for construction purposes for the reason that they have high strength and high corrosion resistance compared to normal steels.

21. What’s the height of each floor?


22. What are the types of foundation used in construction?

There are basically two types of foundation: Shallow & Deep foundation. Again shallow foundation can be classified as spread footing, combined footing, strap or cantilever footing and finally mat or raft footing. Deep foundations can be classified as pile footing, pier footing, caissons footing and well foundation.

23. Name various authorities or workers on a construction site?

*Senior Engineer/Project manager
*Site Engineer
*Project Supervisor

24. What are the functions of column in a building?

Column is a verticle member in building whose primary function is to support structural load and transfer it through beams. Upper columns transfers the load to the lower columns and finally to the ground through footings.

25. What is grouting?

Grout is a fluid form of concrete which is used to fill the voids.

26. What are various tests for checking brick quality?

We can use water absorption test, hardness test, shape & size, crushing strength test, soundness test, etc. to check the brick quality

27. What is guniting?

It is a process in which mixture of cement & sand in proportion of 1:3 is shooted on concrete surface with the help of cement gun under pressure of 2 to 3 kg/cm2. It is a highly effective process for repairing concrete walls or damaged surfaces.

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